Saturday, February 28, 2009

..It's over,,.

Another chapter of our lives is near to end. This chapter for me is the best compared to what Ive had for the previous times. Maybe you wonder what is it, well it is the high school life.

High school is meant to be the best years in the lives of the students. It is where most of the first times happened. Like first love, first boyfriend or girlfriend, first dance, first kiss and others.

In this chapter of the lives of the students they also encountered being tortured by their teacher. It is this part where students experienced hardships in many ways. Like preparing for their projects, doing assignments, and reviewing for the exams.

But in a short period of time this chapter will soon end. We the seniors are graduating soon. The high school will end but we should end it in order to enter a new world, the college life.

For sure I will treasure those memories I had...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

...It's fun doing a movie

Movies are nice to our sights. But do you know how to make a movie?

In our lessons in ICT, we learn how to create a movie using the WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER. We learned the basic things to be done to create a movie.

For the first activity we are to create a movie where there is a background music and pictures and upon this we will put the lyrics like a "videoke".

It's fun making a movie. In this activity we can express our imagination and show how creative we are in making a good movie.

I had a problem in adjusting the time to every picture but my groupmates know the what to do so I watched them do it. It is also hard to put the lyrics in the song's right line.

Moving on I expect that I will make a nice movie when we will make our individual project and I hope to end up a nice movie in our group....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

...heart's night

February is best known as the love month. It is when lovers give their gifts to their love ones. In connection to this, Junior-Seniors Promenade is held to celebrate the heart's day.

JSP is one of the highlights of the school. This activity is very meaningful and exciting to the students especially to the juniors and seniors. It is the proper time to show your best gowns and best clothes for men.

February 13, the day I'm waiting for. I didn't come to school because I took a restfrom all those tiring activities before that day. When I was in the school, I felt very nervous because I can't see any of my classmate and our classroom is already locked so I proceeded to the Math-4 room and there I found them. My nervousness went down because I saw some of my classmates and of course my friends.

At the gym, a program was conducted. It was very long for me and everybody seems to be uncomfortablr and bored and all they want to do is to go and dance. At last, the talks are over, the first dance was done. It is addressed to the Acacia, Boyle, Becquerel, Rizal, Marconi, Maxwell. At that time it was not yet over crowded but as the next pieces are played it's too crowded and it seems there is no space.

This night is very unforgettable because I had nice time With my friends and many "kilig" things happened.